General Information
Camp Arrival
Junior and Teen Camp arrival: Sunday 4-5:30pm (Evening service at 6pm)
Junior and Teen Camp departure: Friday 8:45am
Teen Leadership Camp arrival: Monday 6-7pm (Supper at 7pm)
Teen Leadership Camp departure: Friday 8:45am
Carpet ball, Full-size gymnasium, fishing, "Little man" basketball, water zip line, water trampoline, water basketball, canoes, pedal boats, disc golf, cornhole, billiards, human foosball, ping-pong, air hockey, carpet ball, slingshot range, human foosball, swimming, snack shop, craft shop, camp store, and 540 foot dual zip line
Registration Information
Please do not mail cash.
Each registration form must be accompanied by a $25 non-refundable registration fee. This fee will be applied to each camper's total camp cost.
Camper balance payment is due upon arrival. Cash or check only please.
Campers leaving camp early will not be refunded camp fees unless it is an emergency approved by the director.
Once a camper leaves camp, they cannot return unless it is approved by the camp director.
Once capacity is reached, each registrant will be placed on a waiting list and will be informed of available options.
When registering as a church group, please collect and send registration forms in one mailing.
We recommend each camper bring at least $50 of spending money for the snack shop, craft shop, and camp store.
Please send small bills ($10 or less) with each camper
Camp Atmosphere and Dress Code
Living Water Christian Camp strives to maintain a Christian emphasis on conduct and attire. We reserve the right to ask any person to change behavior or dress deemed inappropriate.
Guys: Pants and collared shirt for evening services. Shorts to the knee and T-Shirts are acceptable for the day’s activities and morning services. No tank tops or cut-offs, please.
Girls: All clothing worn for daily activities and morning services must come to the knee cap. Loose-fitting slacks and jeans are acceptable for recreation. Knee-length skirts or dresses should be worn for evening services. No tank tops or midriffs, please. (Loose fitting means one must be able to grab a handful of cloth from behind the thigh.) Please refrain from wearing tops that have low necklines or that are form-fitting.
Personal Items
Place name on all belongings.
Left items are donated one week after the completion of camp.
Living Water Christian Camp will not be held responsible for lost, unclaimed, broken or stolen personal property.
Things to Bring to Camp
Bedding (sleeping bag or sheets/blanket), pillow, shoes and clothes for daily activities, towels, KJV Bible, pen, spending money, flashlight, toiletries, swimsuit (no bikinis), insect repellent, fishing pole/tackle.
Things to Leave at Home
Cell phones, all electronic and media devices, magazines, fireworks, alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, weapons, poker cards, non-prescription drugs